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Vuoto Orchestra Fase



extending collaborations with other companies operating in the area national and international


for the perpetuation of the experience over time until it becomes a BEST PRACTICE


​making sure that the appointment with the Rina De Tata Competition becomes a stage for young promises who will be able to pursue an opera career reaching new and important goals


talents and reward study and merit



1st Prize €1200, 2nd Prize €800, 3rd Prize 500, Special Youth Prize €200,
Special Rina De Tata Prize €300, F. Durante Prize €300, Critics Prize €200.

Article 1

The competition will take place in Frattamaggiore. Exams, tests and any evenings can also take place outside the co. territorymunicipal.


Article 2

The application for participation must be submitted by November 13, 2023 and sent to the email with the subject “Registration for the First Edition of the Rina De Tata – Francesco Durante Competition”, by filling out the registration form on the website

The organization reserves the right to close early if the registration limit is reached.

The sending of the e-mail will be considered valid for the date.

In the registration application (form) the competitor must indicate the name, surname, date and place of birth, address, citizenship, voice register and list 4 (four) arias to be performed, taken from operas of repertoire, which they intend to present and which must be performed including recitative and cabaletta, as well as a possible aria by Francesco Durante.

In the registration application (form), the competitor will give authorisation, pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 (RGPD), to the processing of their personal data provided for participation in the competition. The data controller is: Rina De Tata ODV Association.

The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

a) Photocopy of identity document                                     

b) Receipt of bank transfer of Euro 80.00 (eighty/00) made to the Rina De Tata ODV Association, IBAN IT64B0306909606100000198305 with reason for “Registration for the First Edition of the Rina De Tata - Francesco Durante Competition”.

This amount will not be refundable in any case, except for the cancellation of the Competition due to the responsibility of the Organization


Article 3

All competitors must be present on November 16, 2023 from 9.30 am at the Teatro De Rosa in Frattamaggiore, at via Lupoli 60, without notice of meeting. Candidates must present themselves with a valid identity document with photograph and a copy of the scores of the arias to be performed.

The order of call to the tests will be established by drawing lots which will be carried out on the same day and in the same place.

No reimbursement of travel or accommodation expenses will be paid to competitors.


Article 4

The judging commission will be composed of the President, Davide Dellisanti, conductor and teacher, and the members: Mara Naddei, soprano and opera singing teacher,

Francesca Rinaldi, Soprano and teacher of opera singing, Maria Paola De Luca, Soprano and teacher of opera singing, Andrea Carnevale, Baritone and teacher of opera singing.

The Commission will proclaim the winning opera singer candidate at the end of the final evening. Furthermore, it will award the second and third prize of the opera competition.

The Commission reserves the right to award ex-aequo prizes.

The judgment of the commission is unquestionable and unappealable.

We reserve the right to award special recognitions or recommendations among the participants in the competition, as well as any special prizes and/or scholarships.

Article 5

The competition tests are divided into three phases:


First round - Eliminatory: the competitor will have to perform an aria of his choice and another aria chosen by the Commission from the four indicated in the application, as well as a possible aria by Francesco Durante. Competitors deemed suitable by the Commission will be admitted to the second round, by majority vote and without indication of grade. Competitors nominated for the Durante prize may be admitted to the second round even in the case of exclusion from the main opera competition.


Second round - Semi-final: the admitted competitor will have to perform, at the choice of the Commission, one or two of the arias presented and not performed in the first round. The competitors deemed suitable by the Commission will be admitted to the Concert Final, by majority vote and without indication of vote. Competitors nominated for the Durante prize may be admitted to the Finale-Concert even in the case of exclusion from the main opera competition.

In any case, both in the First test and in the Second, the Commission, at its sole discretion, may have even just one aria performed and can interrupt the performance of the tests at any time.


Third round – Final-Concert: the competitor will have to perform, chosen by the Commission, one of the operatic arias already presented in the previous rounds. The arias by Francesco Durante admitted to the Finale – Concert will also be performed.

Article 6

The Judging Commission will formulate the ranking of the Final - Concert by expressing a vote of 100/100 and will proclaim the winner of the opera competition and of the Durante prize. It will also award the second and third prizes of the opera competition.

The public will decide the winner of the Youth Award. Singers born after January 1, 1998 compete for the Youth Award.

The family will indicate the winner of the Rina De Tata award.

The accredited press in the room will reward the winner of the Critics Award.

Ex-aequo prizes may also be awarded.

All finalists will be awarded a Diploma of Honor, while the other competitors will be issued a Certificate of Participation.


Article 7

The accompanying pianists will be made available to the competitors. The reimbursement of the cost of the pianist is €20 for the entire event, to be paid on site. Competitors, however, may be accompanied, at their own expense, by a pianist of their choice

Article 8

The submission of the application for admission to the Competition constitutes full acceptance of all the rules of this announcement and therefore the obligation to comply with everything provided for therein.

Article 9

Anyone who participates in the First “Rina De Tata - Francesco Durante” Competition expressly authorizes, pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree 30/6/2003 n. 196, the processing by the association of its personal data, including sensitive data, limited to the purposes of managing the Competition itself. The owner of the processing of personal data is “Associazione Rina De Tata ODV”.


Article 10

The Association reserves the right to make any changes to this announcement-regulation that may be necessary for technical or organizational reasons. The Association, if necessary, can make decisions regarding matters not established in this announcement.  For any clarification, integration or interpretation, reference will be made to the Italian text of the announcement.


* The cash prizes referred to in this Notice are net of current tax withholdings, if provided for by law.

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