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Vittorio Terranova



She graduated brilliantly in singing under the guidance of Maestro Marika Rizzo, former teacher of singing and scenic art at the "San Pietro a Majella" conservatory in Naples and subsequently perfected her skills in Rome with Maestro Anna Panni. He has carried out intense concert activity both as a soloist and as a member of chamber vocal groups on behalf of opera companies and musical institutions, in numerous Italian theatres, as well as directing musical associations and ensembles.

Commission member and President in national and international opera competitions. She has developed a profound knowledge of lyrical vocal technique, so much so that she is recognised, thanks to the peculiarity and broad consensus attributed to her school, as a sure educational point of reference in the sector. His school has produced students embarking on a solo career, with presences in prestigious Italian and foreign theaters or already included in the choirs of important theaters including the "Verdi" Theater of Salerno, the San Carlo Theater of Naples, the Teatro Regio of Turin as well as at the Choir of the Pontifical Sistine Musical Chapel; finally, others are already winners of national and international competitions, sure promises for opera singing. His students include, among others, the tenor Roberto De Biasio, the tenor David Fruci Esteban, the baritone Andrea Carnevale and the soprano Rosa Feola who have performed in prestigious opera houses (including: Scala in Milan, Fenice in Venice, Arena di Verona, Metropolitan Carnegie Hall in New York, Millenium Park, Openhaus Zurich, Lyric opera of Chicago, Bayerische Staatsoper) under the guidance of the most authoritative conductors, such as Bruno Campanella, Antonio Pappano, Riccardo Muti, Placido Domingo, Lorin Maazel .

Davide Dellisanti

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He trained under the guidance of Maestros D.Panaro and E.Arciuli in piano and in orchestral conducting with Maestro Mariano Patti. He also studied opera singing, an experience that today leads him to be the pianist and assistant of the greatest opera singers such as R.Gimenez, V.Terranova, I. Salazar, Aprile Millo, S.Bonfadelli, A.Morelli G.Giacomini, P .Domingo, N.Martinucci M.Dragoni,M.Devia,J.Aragall,L Canonici ,V.Grigolo , B.Pratico'. collaborating with conductors L.Bacalov,M. Arena, R.Boninge, E.Morricone and many others. Among the most important assignments is

Artistic Director  of the Taormina Opera Stars Festival of the Ancient Theater of Taormina, Choir Director of the Cairo Opera House and Vocal Coach, Music Director of the Theater of Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) and korrepetitor at the State Theater of Ankara (Turkey). 

Among the awards: Taras Pax Award, G.Paisiello Award, Gold Medal "Maison des artistes' 2016 at the Sapienza University of Rome together with M.E Morricone and the President of the Republic award in 2012. 

He has to his credit more than 1,500 concerts in Europe, Japan, China, Korea, Africa, America, Egypt and Brazil. He played for the President of the Republic and for Pope Francis at S. Pietro in Rome in 2017. 

Among the theaters: Teatro S. Carlo in Naples, Teatro Regio in Parma, Teatro Grande in Brescia, Teatro Donizetti in Bergamo, Sala Scarlatti in Naples, Royal Palace in Bucharest, Ancient Theater in Taormina, U. Giordano Theater in Foggia, Politeama in Lecce, Philharmonic of Leverkuseen, State Theater of Ankara, and Istanbul, Cairo Opera House, State Theater of Seoul, State Theater of Curitiba and Florianopolis (Brazil). Kurheather of Wildbad (Germany) inaugurating the most important festivals. Since 2016 he has been working as a pianist for channel 5 working with the greatest pop singers such as Antonella Ruggero and Alessandra Amoroso also working in the TOUR of the VOLO boys, Delle DIV4S  and the Venezuelan group "Ancora". In March 2018 he was invited to conduct the Choir for Aida under the Pyramids of Giza in Cairo. 

In September 2018 he was appointed Honorary Professor at the international University of Changwon and at the KAYWON HIGH SCHOOL OF ARTS and at the SUNWHA  Art School OF SEOUL (Korea). While in China he teaches at the Liaoning University of Dalian. In November 2018 he conducts Traviata at the Teatro di Fuerteventura and the Pagliacci by R.Leoncavallo at the Teatro Re di Licata.In June 2019 he obtained the artistic direction of the Taranto Opera Festival directing all the works on the bill.From 26 August 2019 he was hired as Maestro of the V.Bellini choir of the Sferisterio of Macerata for the productions of the Teatro delle Muse in Ancona.In October 2019 he was entrusted with the artistic direction of the 1st international competition Caput mundi citta' di Roma.In November 2019 he conducted the Tchaikowsky Symphony Orchestra in Moscow and Athens in a grand concert with the Great Tenor Jose Cura in the Olimpic hall of Athens before an audience of 6,200 people at the invitation of M.Jose Cura himself.In December 2019 he held a master class at the Main Conservatory of Beijing becoming an honorary professor. In July 2020 he was entrusted with the position of artistic and musical director of the prestigious Kicco Musik record company in Milan. 

August 2020 he was awarded the Enrico Caruso Lifetime Achievement Award. 

In September 2021 he will be awarded the Thomas Schippers prize for orchestral conducting.

In July 2021 he was entrusted with the artistic direction of the first Varenna Opera  festival on Lake Como.

Mara Naddei


She graduated brilliantly in singing under the guidance of Maestro Marika Rizzo, former teacher of singing and scenic art at the "San Pietro a Majella" conservatory in Naples and subsequently perfected her skills in Rome with Maestro Anna Panni. He has carried out intense concert activity both as a soloist and as a member of chamber vocal groups on behalf of opera companies and musical institutions, in numerous Italian theatres, as well as directing musical associations and ensembles.

Commission member and President in national and international opera competitions. She has developed a profound knowledge of lyrical vocal technique, so much so that she is recognised, thanks to the peculiarity and broad consensus attributed to her school, as a sure educational point of reference in the sector. His school has produced students embarking on a solo career, with presences in prestigious Italian and foreign theaters or already included in the choirs of important theaters including the "Verdi" Theater of Salerno, the San Carlo Theater of Naples, the Teatro Regio of Turin as well as at the Choir of the Pontifical Sistine Musical Chapel; finally, others are already winners of national and international competitions, sure promises for opera singing. His students include, among others, the tenor Roberto De Biasio, the tenor David Fruci Esteban, the baritone Andrea Carnevale and the soprano Rosa Feola who have performed in prestigious opera houses (including: Scala in Milan, Fenice in Venice, Arena di Verona, Metropolitan Carnegie Hall in New York, Millenium Park, Openhaus Zurich, Lyric opera of Chicago, Bayerische Staatsoper) under the guidance of the most authoritative conductors, such as Bruno Campanella, Antonio Pappano, Riccardo Muti, Placido Domingo, Lorin Maazel .

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Eriko Sumiyoshi


Andrea Carnevale


Born in Japan, she graduated from the Osaka University of Music, graduating in Opera Singing at the “G.Verdi” Conservatory in Milan with top marks.
She has won numerous international competitions, including the international competition of opera singing Pietro Mongini. She has performed numerous concerts and operas and recitals in Europe and Asia. In France, the Soprano in the Messa di Requiem by G. Verdi during an important tour (Biarritz, Mont Marsan, etc.), in Spain, Fuerteventura “La Traviata”.

In Italy, at the Galuppi Festival in Venice, Gala Concert at the Teatro Nuovo in Milan and Teatro Verdi in Busseto. “Traviata“ in the Brescia Opera Festival, at the Teatro Arena Costabianca in Realmonte and in the role of Gilda in “Rigoletto“ also in various cities in Puglia. In Madame Butterfly at the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa, under the baton of Daniel Oren and directed by Renata Scotto.

In Austria, Gala concert in Graz. At the International Opera Festival in Daegu (South Korea) role of Donna Elvira “Don Giovanni“. In Taormina Teatro Antico Greco, Gala Taormina Opera Stars. Also as guest of honor at the Teatro Giordano in Foggia and Teatro Garibaldi in Lucera. She sang on the occasion of the Birthday of His Majesty the Japanese Emperor Akihito, organized by the Consulate General of Milan. In Japan, in Tokyo she was Mimi in La Boheme. In Hyogo, in the role of Violetta in La Traviata and numerous recitals, among these in Kobe Teatro KokusaiKaikan (with a sold-out 2000-seat theater) as special guest the famous tenor Francesco Meli.
She was invited as a judge at the international opera singing competition "Umberto Giordano" in Foggia and in various editions, at the international opera singing competition "Vittorio Terranova" in Milan, Tokyo, Kobe and the International Opera Competition City of Genoa G. Taddei Prize.
She recorded her CD “Italian Operatic Arias” with Bios Music Milano. And in 2006 she was appointed ambassador of the city of Himeji. (Japan). She is the Artistic Director of the European Musical and Cultural Association Lyric – Concert IMC.


Born in Aversa on 12/22/1977, he began his study journey with the soprano Rina De Tata and the maestros Mara Naddei and Davide Dellisanti, with whom he still perfects himself today. Previously, he enriched his artistic experience by following important Masterclasses, with the Baritone Maestro Bruno Pratico', with the Soprano Maestro Mariella Devia, with the Mezzo-soprano Maestro Gail Gilmore. His artistic career began at the age of 23 in the “Coccia” theaters in Novara, the “Donizetti” theaters in Bergamo and the “Sociale” theaters in Mantua, in which, from 2004 to 2009, he played soloist and supporting roles. In 2010 he made his debut in the role of "Don Giovanni", in W.A.'s opera. Mozart, in the Pagani Theater in Monterubbiano (Fm). In 2011 he played the role of Amonasro several times, in Aida (Verdi), near "Lago di Bracciano" (RM) and the role of Rigoletto, taking part in the "End of Summer Opera Gala" in Pesaro. Between 2013 and 2016 he was called to interpret many other roles: Germont in Traviata by G. Verdi, Patron Nicola in “L'Aida di Scafati” by Maestro Fischetti as a world premiere, Scarpia in “Tosca” by G. Puccini, Tonio in “Pagliacci” by Leoncavallo, Escamillo in “Carmen” by Bizet, Alfio in “Cavalleria Rusticana”, Sharpless and Marcello in “Madame Butterfly” and “Boheme” by G. Puccini, having the opportunity to perform in some of the most important in the Italian operatic tradition (“Teatro di Corte” in Naples, “Sala Teatro Petrolini” in Castel Gandolfo and many others). In the same period he had an intense concert activity, participating in some musical events organized in honor of Niccolò Jommelli ("Jommelli 300 years after his birth" and "Jommelli: the certificate rediscovered") and numerous opera galas in the "Palazzo Ducale" of Martina Franca and Baronissi. In 2015 in concert in Naples accompanied by the "Great Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra of Plovdiv". In 2016 he was one of the soloists in Cimarosa's "Te Deum" in Aversa (CE) as a world premiere and in Mascagni's "Messa in Gloria" in Naples. Between 2016 and 2017 she performed Traviata again, in the “Teatro Antico di Cassino”, in the “Opera House” theater of Tel Aviv and the “Opera House” of Jerusalem and in the “Teatro Antico” of Taormina. In the same period he played Tosca, returning to the theaters of Cassino, Taormina and in the "Stadio Domiziano" in Rome, where he would once again be the protagonist of Rigoletto. In the years 2017/2018 she still plays Aida, in the Opera House of the Egyptian capital "Cairo" and in the Opera House of Fuerteventura, Tosca in Tel Aviv "Opera Hause Isdraele", Traviata in Fuerteventura/Canary Islands, Trovatore in concert form in Martinafranca and numerous recitals throughout Italy. In the same years he was also one of the protagonists of the "Three Tenors and a Half" concert in Manfredonia. 
In addition to his intense artistic life, he continues to teach privately in Aversa (CE), boasting young students who have won numerous international competitions and opera artists involved in many Italian and foreign productions.

Primo piano di mani confortanti


+39 3758350880



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